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Here you can find the answers to the most common questions regarding the sport of Street Stand Up Paddle, as well as to our online products and services. The more the knowledge, the better the understanding. From the physical mechanics of the activity to our innovative paddles, we strive to answer ANY questions that you may have about Street SUP.


P.O. Box 310303 Fontana, California 92331

Office: (909) 251-2224



What are you doing? What is that called? What is Street SUP?


Answer: Street SUP is an up and coming sport, which stands for Street Stand­ Up Paddle, others have also known to have called it Landpaddle.  Similar to SUP (stand up paddle) that is done on water, Street SUP is the use of a paddle to propel a rider while riding a longboard. There is a vast selection of Street SUP products that are available on the market from various companies. We encourage customers to do their research while looking for a product that suits their needs but we also offer our own brand of Street SUP products.

Is it a good workout?


Answer:  Absolutely!! Street SUP is an invigorating sport that not only works out arm muscles, it also incorporates  core muscles, legs and most importantly is stimulates brain function. Street SUP sharpens / improves cognitive function and situational awareness due to the vast amount of inputs the brain must process to keep the riders on their board and keep them safe.  Street SUP riders gain a higher level of mental awareness by becoming familiar with their surroundings by learning to “see ahead” and avoid any potential hazardous conditions that are seen on the roads/trails. Cognitive function is conducive to meditative states that manifest through repetitive activity, similar to bicycling and jogging.


Studies have shown that meditative states can help stimulate the creative juices that are beneficial to nurturing your developing mind. That's West SSUP!!



Why are you cheating? Why don't you use your feet?


Answer: You wanna try it? Many people that ask this type of question believe that using a paddle is cheating compared to solely using their feet but will come up with some sort of excuse if you ask them to try it lol. Street SUP is an entirely different sport and activity. Although the use of your feet is reduced, your lower legs, thighs and upper body are continuously in sync to provide a complete body workout. The purpose of Street SUP is to integrate the upper body, using a Street SUP paddle, to propel yourself forward or backward.


Skateboarding/long boarding, water SUP and Street SUP are in completely different categories, similar to Olympic events. Each sport utilizes different mechanics, external environments and is not in the same category of activity. Finally, once a doubtful observer tries out a Street SUP paddle, they usually retract their previous statement/question.



I've never been on a longboard in my life and I have the worst balance. Can I learn Street SUP?


Answer: Yes, absolutely! People, who have NEVER skated, whether they are young, old, male or female, have been able to hope onto a board with a paddle and are riding around within minutes!


The paddle acts as a “training” wheel and is able to re‐balance riders who have the fear of falling off the board. Once people situate themselves and get comfortable with the paddle, they are able to ride for hours at a time, without the fear of falling off the board. This builds confidence and self-esteem and can help with other aspects of your daily life!

Do you ship internationally?


Answer: Yes. We do ship internationally and domestically  to all 50 States and to some parts of Canada. Shipping internationally requires buyers to pay a local tax, additional duties, as well as shipping charges. If you are interested in having your item shipped to your country, please email us at Let us know what item(s) you are interested in and the destination country and we will calculate all the costs (taxes, duties, shipping) through our international courier. If you are satisfied with the total, then you can make the payment and we will ship your items to you.


**Addtional costs may be up to $100 or more depending on the items being shipped and your destination country. 


I am looking to purchase one of your paddles but I have no idea how to choose one based on your descriptions. How can I properly choose a paddle that is right for me?


Answer: We receive a lot of emails regarding how to choose the right paddle and how to make the right purchase. If you have any questions regarding how to choose the right equipment, please email us at for further information. Our staff will be happy to answer ANY questions that you may have regarding our products. We want to make sure that you are 100% informed before you decide to spend your hard earned money.

Where can I buy a longboard? What kind of longboards are you guys riding?


Answer: You can buy a longboard anywhere online depending on what kind of riding you plan on doing. We used Kracked Skulls™ brand longboards for years and they proved to be good performing and reliable longboards.


We are currently riding our very own "Beastmaker" longboards by Croozerboards™ that have been custom made to our specifications. These models were designed for durability and safety  while complimenting the WestSSUP style of riding that we do and are a popular attraction when we ride around town. Please visit our online store for more options on purchasing West SSUP longboards and  WestSSUP Street SUP Boards.

How long will the ball grip last before I need to replace it?


Answer: This will depend upon your individual riding habits. If used for heavy braking, the tip will wear out faster than normal use. We are currently studying an active duty ball grip that has been in use for 2 years, over a 1000 miles and hundreds of feet of braking. The rider states,"It still functions properly."

What are your paddles made out of? What is rattan?


Answer: Contrary to belief, Bamboo is not related to Rattan, Rattan comes from a completely different order of plants. Originally indigenous to Malaysia and China, rattan has been used by the Egyptians and Romans, as furniture material due to it’s its physical characteristics of being lightweight and durable. Rattan is also used for certain Filipino martial art disciplines including modern Arnis, Escrima and Kali.


We have incorporated the use of these strong, physical attributes into our products and the result is our handcrafted paddles, which are capable of transfering the kinetic energy from each stroke into a smooth, consistent paddle that displaces the force and eliminates the stress in the shoulders and joints through the energy displacement in the rattan. As a result, riders are capable of riding for long periods of time virtually pain free. All of our street paddles are handcrafted and assembled in Los Angeles, California using natural rattan plants.

​I notice your paddle does not have the horizontal top handle. Is it necessary to have one to properly paddle?


Answer: The absence or presence of a T‐handle, ball or other type of handle on the top of the paddle, is decided by the rider’s personal preference. We have tried and tested many paddles on the market today. Our team feels more comfortable serial grip, it allows for more versatility due to the fact that there isn't a handle you must hold. Riders can place their hands where they deem comfortable and can develop a technique that will fit their style of StreetSUP riding. Forearm muscle recruitment when the serial grip is utilized is similar to the muscles used while climbing a vertical hanging rope versus climbing the steps of a ladder. 

​Your paddles seem too long to transport in my car and I don't have back seats that fold down. How am I able to transport them?


Answer: All of our paddles from the 6' to the 7'6" can be easily transported in any passenger sized vehicle on the road. The idea is to lay the paddles across starting from the front passenger side to the rear passenger side behind the driver. This position allows for easy transportation of multiple paddles whie allowing comfortable positions for 2-4 passengers.

Will the paddle break during shipping? Should I purchase insurance for the delivery?


Answer: Shipping and handling costs include carefully wrapping each stick in bubbled wrap multiple times with industrial strength tape. The extra bubble wrap should protect it from potential scratches in transit. The paddle will not break due to its strong, inherent properties. Insurance can be purchased through the courier for an addtional fee. 

What methods of payment do you accept?


Answer: We accept all major credit cards through Paypal. We do not accept cash or personal checks.



I am interested in representing West SSUP and am looking to get sponsorship from your company. How can I be a part of the team?


Answer: West SSUP is actively seeking riders to represent our brand and to promote the sport of Street Stand Up Paddle. If you are interested in a sponsorship we would encourage you to send in any videos of yourself riding with a description of why you would like to be sponsered. We evaluate riders based on experience, current sponsorship and riding capabilities. We choose our riders carefully and are chosen based on these attirbutes. Potential candidates are encouraged to apply with our company and as they are chosen, we will contact them with all the available information and equipment. 

I am not familiar with your products and am having trouble picking out the right equipment. All I want is a simple, custom setup. How do I choose what is right for me?


Answer: Since we carry a vast selection of wheels, accesories and boards, we want to make sure that you have the ALL information about our products and that you are fully aware of what you are buying into. If you are unsure about what setup you need or what trucks to buy, we will be more than happy to customize something for you and answer all your questions before you make your purchase. Please contact us through email before you decide to buy anything. Whether you are looking for the best setup for the price or for the quality parts, we will put something together for your style of riding that you are comfortable paying for and riding on.

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