How to Street SUP 200 Miles in 24 hours
Okay, here we go. The 2015 Miami Ultraskate was my opportunity to redeem myself from last year's terrible showing. I'm sure Daniel Cambay is feeling the same way, on the other hand, Dee is on a mission to prove to the world that street SUP can do some distance as well. All 3 WestSSUP riders set out a prove a point and achieve individual goals at the 2015 Ultraskate.
I have been training for this moment since January 2014 when I failed to reach my goal of 200 miles all paddling last year. A couple of factors played into my failure: Mental Training, Physical Training, Nutrition and Strategy. Therefore, these are the 4 key factors I focused and trained for the 2015 Ultraskate.
I knew that the mental training came along with physical training but I took it a step further by adding in motivational speeches to play as my coach. Next, during last year's race I did not know what condition my body had to be into achieve 200 miles in 24 hours all paddling, but now I am certain that you need power, lots of it. For power, I did weight training: Weighted squats, hiking with weight in hands, weighted life. And don't forget to workout during twilight hours.
I won't ever take Ibuprofen on an empty stomach, this mistake caused me to take a 4 hour cramp-ridden nap during the 2014 Ultraskate. One of the biggest strategic failures that I have done. I took a IB because I cramped on my mid back (rhomboid), this year to combat that I weight trained a lot. Nutrition was on point again this year with the aid of Nina and Vega! Green smoothies, dates, avocado w/ salt, rice and bean for moral, green smoothies, date balls, water, coconut water, vega pack red, repeat. Eating clean definitely helped me monitor my energy levels and intake levels.
My Ultraskate pace strategy will forever be like I love my BBQ. . . slow and low. Not the best analogy but let's keep it moving. Keep the pace as needed until 100. Reevaluate. Forget the first 100 even happened, set pace as needed to achieve 200. Take pee breaks accompanied with stretching of the feet no more that 45 seconds which also serves as a moral booster. As far as mental game, you definitely have to be on top of it: smiling all the time at least trying to, talking to people helps, music can help or put you to sleep, for me motivational speeches on my cell phone, refilled water bottles by your squad is a must.
There you go, secret's out! Good luck Chip!
Thank you Christina Garcia for the photo!